A Structured Historical Overview of the Evolution of Digital Radiography
Digital radiography (DR) has most often replaced screen-film radiography in the department of radiology in the past two decades. Several types of detectors and readout mechanisms are available today for digital imaging. In an image archiving and communication system using digital detectors, images are stored digitally and can be retrieved at any time. Image distribution in hospitals can now be achieved electronically utilizing web-based technology with no risk of losing images. Other advantages of DR include higher patient throughput, increased dose efficiency, and the greater dynamic range of digital detectors with the possible reduction of radiation exposure to the patient. The future of radiography will be digital. It is essential for radiologists to be familiar with the technical principles, image quality criteria, and radiation exposure issues associated with the various DR systems currently available.
A structured historical overview of digital radiography is outlined in this blog as Kruger explains experimental digital subtraction angiography in 1977 and introduce it as the first digital imaging system in 1980. A cassette-based storage-phosphor imaging system was also introduced in 1980 to record x-ray images for general radiography. CCD slot-scan systems were the first DR systems to appear in 1990. An investigation of the selenium drum DR system was published in 1994. In 1995, amorphous silicon/amorphous selenium flat-panel detector DR systems were introduced. Sulfur-oxide gadolinium scintillation detectors for portable flat-panel displays have been available since 2001. Dynamic flat-panel detectors are the latest development in DR and angiography.
Digital detectors have the advantage that they enable the implementation of a fully digital picture archiving and communication system with images stored digitally and available at any time. Therefore, hospital images can be distributed electronically, without the risk of image loss by incorporating web-based technology. Additionally, digital detectors have a higher dynamic range, which can possibly reduce the amount of radiation a patient is exposed to. We provide here an overview of digital radiography systems that can be used in general radiography. The physical principles of DR are thus described, as well as image quality criteria, detectors, image processing, and radiation exposure issues, illustrated. The future of digital DR is also discussed.
Physical Principle
Physically, digital radiography differs not much from screen-film radiography. A digital detector, however, does not serve as the detector and storage medium, as in screen-film radiography, which uses the film as both the detector and storage medium. Digital imaging involves four separate steps for generating, processing, archiving, and presenting the image.
Future Technologies and Aspects
The future of radiography will be digital. For use in computed radiography, new storing phosphors and scanning technologies are being investigated. Because their crystals are formed in a needle shape, these phosphors are structured and coated on a glass or aluminum substrate without any binding substance between the crystals.

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